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Online Guide for Getting Your Maryland Handicap Parking Permit

Online Guide for Getting Your Maryland Handicap Parking Permit

Getting Your Maryland Handicap Parking Permit

When applying to get your disability sign in the United States, you might experience various frustrating challenges. The challenges or problems occur due to the varying state laws. Thus, before applying for the disabled placard in the US, ensure that you understand the state and local guidelines. Before a comprehensive guideline when applying for the DP card in Maryland.


Ensure That You Qualify


With the difference in the state laws, Maryland has specific qualifications or laws you can use to obtain a disabled parking permit. It’ll be vital to check if you’re meeting the qualifications before filling out the application forms. You can only qualify for the disabled placard in the state if:


● You require assistance or a wheelchair for mobility


● You can't walk or move up to 200 feet without resting


● You’ve lost your arm, foot, or leg


● You can’t walk or move more than 200 feet without getting assistance. The assistance may be from another individual, brace, crutch, prosthetic device, cane, or another assistance device.


● You’ve got a cardiovascular disease that the AMA classifies as Class III or Class IV.


● You have a permanent or temporary disability severely affecting your ability to move or walk.


● You have a permanent condition or impairment in your eyes, which equals 2/200 vision.


● You require additional oxygen or develop a lung complication that results in breathing at 60mm/hg for one second at constant or resting room air.


Process of Acquiring a Physician Certificate


While applying for the disability sign, the most common challenge is gathering or collecting the appropriate paperwork for the application process. The state’s authorities require that qualified and state-approved physicians fill out the application for you to receive the DP card. You’ve to fill out the necessary paperwork and submit it to the Maryland Vehicle Administration by mail or in person.


Thus, seeking a state-approved and qualified physician will be necessary to certify your qualifying condition. The authorities have selected and approved physicians to certify or approve your qualifying condition. You can only get the approval from the following licensed medical physicians in the state:


● Podiatrist


● Chiropractor


● Nurse practitioner


● Physical therapist


● Optometrist (for visual issues only)


● Physician

 Online Guide for Getting Your Maryland Handicap Parking Permit

How to Mail or Send Your Documents


You’ll need to visit the local authorities' office when mailing your application documents to the state's motor vehicle departments. When submitting your application documents, remember that you aren't required to pay any fee to receive your placard. However, you’ll have to pay $20.00 for a handicap plate. Furthermore, you’ll have to pay an additional access fee for registering your vehicle when renewing the vehicle registration. The authorities will also not allow you to pay cash via the mail.


After filling out and submitting your application, it’ll be necessary to visit your MVA location to retrieve your plate or placard. Remember that you can only pick up your placard or permit in the state through a full-service local MVA location. The Maryland disabled program only accepts licensed plate requests from a qualifying individual or an authorized transportation organization and services for individuals with disabilities. These services include:


● School buses


● Passenger buses


● Trucks weighing more than one ton


● Passenger vehicles


● Motorcycles


● Multipurpose vehicles


After Receiving Your Permit


After you satisfy all the requirements and the law, the state authorities will allow you to access the disability sign. When applying for the card, ensure that you choose the appropriate one between the permanent and temporary permits. The permanent permit will have a lifetime validity, while the temporary one will only be valid for approximately six months.


After getting the DP sign, it’ll be essential to hang it inside your vehicle's rear view. You can avoid fines or punishment from the authorities by displaying the placards to make the expiration's side visible. The state also requires you to carry your medical certification to hang this disabled placard appropriately. Removing the placard when you start driving will be essential and safe.


Process of Renewing and Returning Your Placards


You may renew or change your application status after the temporary card expires after six months. The states’ authorities require you to return the plate or card to the MVA offices upon the validity period. However, you don’t have to renew the permanent plates and placards as they remain valid until the user dies or no longer requires them.


When Using a Rental Vehicle


The state authorities allow you to use your DP sign on a rental car to park in a handicapped space. You must be present in the rental car when using this card. Remember, the law requires you to present the medical certification upon law enforcers' request.


What to do After You Lose Your Placard


It’ll be vital to contact the local law enforcement agency to file a report after losing your card to theft. After filing the reports, get the report's number and use it to apply for another parking permit. When applying for the other card, ensure that you include the report number before proceeding to the MVA, express-service, or full-service location. After submitting all the necessary details, you can pick up your substituted placard at the location.


You’ll also have to fill out and submit an application for a lost card if you lost the card by yourself. After the application's approval, you can visit or mail your local full-service MVA to retrieve your new placard. You’ll be required to pay an additional $20 fee when applying for another newly licensed plate.


Reporting Permit Abuse


The law subjects anyone with an invalid placard or plate to a $500 fine. The authorities will also subject these fines to you if you misrepresent the application's information or commit fraud. Furthermore, the state will revoke the plate or card if your disability or ailment doesn’t meet the state's eligibility criteria.


Maryland Office Locations


We’ve got various locations across the counties where you can apply for the Maryland disability sign. You can visit the location to complete your applications. You can learn more about these locations online or via your phone book to get the nearest office. However, the state has only 19 full-service locations; ensure to search and check the right one before heading to these MVA offices.


Final Thoughts


This guide offers a comprehensive guide or insights into Maryland's handicap parking permit law. After getting through your application and receiving your disability card, always have a medical certifications copy with you and hang the disability sign on your vehicle’s rear view mirror.


Handicapmd.com offers a straightforward and cost-effective online application process for the Maryland Handicap disability sign.


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