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Disabled Parking at Six Flags Magic Mountain

Disabled Parking at Six Flags Magic Mountain

 What to Know About Disabled Parking at Six Flags 

Surveys reveal that Six Flags has widespread parks in the United States. Many families enjoy different activities in these parks. However, if you’re accompanying anyone with a disability to the party, it’ll be vital to understand your expectations from visiting one of these parks.


So, does Six Flags offer free disabled parking? This article outlines everything you need to understand about disabled services at Six Flags. These services include enjoying attraction sites, parking, etc.


Do Six Flags Offer Free Disabled Parking?


When visiting this location, you’ll see various accessible parking spots. These parking spots are available for anyone needing them on either a first-come or first-served basis. However, when you arrive at these parking spots, the authorities require you to talk to the team on the ground to help you find the right spots.


Furthermore, it'd help if you had a valid handicap parking plate or placard to park in these spots. Remember to make the placard or plate visible when parking your vehicle. The authorities allow you to request the team on the ground for an additional parking lot or drop if you need a designated drop-off zone when the other spaces are full upon your arrival. More so, the location requests those with disabled parking plates to pay parking fees similar to those who lack the plates or placards.


Facilities at the Park: Do Six Flags Have Disabled Accessible Parking?


Accessibility is key for people with disabilities. This park recognizes the need for accessibility, making them provide accessible restrooms and restaurants throughout the location.


All the restrooms at this park have features that allow easy accessibility with wheelchairs. Before walking around the park, you can check the visitor’s map to check the location of restrooms with accessible features.


Additionally, the restaurant provides the required assistance to individuals who find it daunting to navigate through the line. The park has workers who can assist you in ordering food, providing proper meals, and order consultations for individuals with visual and hearing impairments.




The best way to enjoy different shows at Six Flags park is to arrive at the facility 15 minutes before the show begins. During this time, you can speak with the host. Furthermore, arriving early allows you to get the right space if you’ve got a disability that you can’t allow to get from your wheelchair.


Guest Services: The Six Flags ADA Guidelines


You can contact any Six Flag park members on the ground if you have any questions or concerns during the visit. These individuals will help you resolve or provide more information on the different park services for your disability needs.

 Disabled Parking at Six Flags Magic Mountain

Riding Requirements


The park has various riding requirements, where a third party or the person you’re accompanying for the trip has to transfer you from the wheelchair. Remember, the park doesn’t allow any of its members to help you transfer, as they lack skills in the proper lifting or carrying procedures.


Remember that the safety regulations at this location also dictate that some rides are restricted to visitors who can’t have a proper riding position. Remember that you must use safety restraints throughout the ride. The park authorities won’t allow you to ride if you can’t utilize the safety restraints properly. Furthermore, the park will bar you from taking part in the ride if you’ve got a restrictive device, like a brace or cast, that you can’t accommodate safely during the ride.


The Six Flag Attraction Access Program or Pass


The Attraction Access Program is a vital program for individuals visiting Six Flag park. This program aims at helping patrons with disabilities to enjoy their time at the park.

 Disabled Parking at Six Flags Magic Mountain

The program enhances the evaluation of all the attraction sites at the park to understand if individuals with disabilities can ride safely. Furthermore, the programs place various measures to help individuals with different disabilities to get appropriate accommodations to enhance full enjoyment.


When arriving at the park, all individuals with disabilities will obtain this pass from the park’s guest services. However, before getting the pass, you must present a valid doctor’s recommendation or note. The note or recommendations must have the physician's name, telephone number, and address to prove its validity. Furthermore, it should come on official letterhead and state your disabilities, which qualifies under the state’s Americans with Disabilities Act.


This parks come with various measures that allow all the visitors to have the best experience. You can visit the parks’ website or contact them before your visit to prepare properly for this great day.

You can get a disabled parking permit online today



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