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Posted 01/20/2022 by HandicapMD

Handicap Parking Placards Online

Handicap Parking Placards Online

Getting Handicap Parking Placards Online

Getting your handicap parking placards - If you are suffering from any type of chronic medical condition that makes it difficult to move and walk around freely, you may already know what it is like to be in constant debilitating pain. From suffering a severe case of arthritis that greatly limits your mobility to finding it hard to breathe with every step that you take due to some form of lung disease these are illnesses, diseases and medical conditions that makes it next to impossible to do basic everyday functions. These are everyday functions like driving to the grocery store to buy food to eat. Or, the disabled person may need to go to the bank to withdraw money that is needed to pay bills, etc.


Whatever the case or situation, each state has specific disability laws that apply to the disabled persons who are seeking to obtain special permits to make their lives easier. These laws are designed to help people with certain types of mobility restrictions in a number of different ways, including helping the disabled save time, energy and the frustration of finding close-up spaces. For instance, if an individual meets the eligibility requirements for a disability permit, the DMV will issue a parking placard after they submit their application.

 Handicap Parking Placards Online

As previously mentioned, every state in the U.S. has their own forms and criteria for issuing a handicapped permit to an individual. And, the overseer of these state laws is the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) since they are responsible for running these programs. So, if you want to know the specific eligibility requirements obtaining a permit in your state, you need to check on your state’s laws, processes and procedures online.


Here’s a few general requirements, however, that you can expect to see and follow if you are deemed eligible.


Proper Verification for the Eligible Medical Condition to Get Your Disabled Placard


You need to obtain the proper verification for your eligible medical condition. Simply stated, you will need to talk to your physician about verifying your medical condition in written form so that it can be submitted to the DMV. On the other hand, if you do not have a family physician to validate this information for you, you need the appropriate health care professional to complete this information. For instance, if your mobility is restricted because of vision problems that keeps you from seeing clearly enough to get behind the wheel of any car, you can obtain the medical verification that is required from other sources like an optometrist, nurse practitioner or physician’s assistant. Or, if your medical illness or disease is easy to establish visually when you are in the DMV’s office, a certification from a physician may be waived based on the state that you are seeking for the approval.



Additionally, if you want to know a little bit more about specific eligibility criteria and who qualifies for disability permits, you need to look for common conditions that each state specifies. Some of the common conditions that you may see online are as follows:

 As the disabled permit in disability permits physicians, HandicapMD online network helps qualify you for your disabled parking permits and or license plates for mobility issuesrespiratory problemscardiovascular heart conditionsloss of limbs including legs and or handsneurological diseasesworkers comp injuries for temporary permits, unable to move without assistance devices, visual problems, or any diseases that impairs mobility. 

Everyone should also be aware of other medical conditions, illnesses and diseases that apply to these eligibility requirements. For more information on what types of medical conditions and illnesses that fall under this umbrella, it is best to consult with a doctor or a medical professional that is approved to submit and validate these claims. For instance, each state has the ability and leeway to grant permits to persons who have the following medical issues and concerns.



  • People who need portable oxygen to aid in support of their lungs and breathing
  • Individuals who experience acute sensitivities to sunlight. For instance, if the person is in the sunlight, the sun may cause extreme burning and blistering to that person’s skin.
  • Other medical conditions that each state recognizes as needing a disability permit to aid in their mobility

How to Apply for a Disabled Placard


Once a physician or medical professional establishes and documents the eligibility requirements for a certain individual, the next step in this process is to follow the steps provided below.


  • Secure an application for disability parking https://dmv.ny.gov/forms/mv6641.pdf from the local DMV office or the eligible person may find an application for their state online.
  • Once the application has been obtained, the individual must complete and sign the application before forwarding it to a physician or an approved health care provider.
  • Ask the person’s physician or an approved health-care professional to complete the certification portion of the application and sign it before submitting the form to the DMV.
  • The complete disability  Permit application can be submitted via mail or in person at the DMV’s office.
  • Submit the application by mail or in person.

It is also important to note that if a medical illness or disease is easy to establish visually when the individual is in the DMV’s office, a certification from a physician may be waived. These guidelines and procedures are based on the state that the person is seeking the approval from.


Permanent versus Temporary Disabled Parking Placards


Even though many people apply for permanent disability permits, it is also common for people to apply for a temporary disability based on their medical condition. For instance, temporary permits are approved and issued to people who are temporarily disabled, particularly in situations where the person has had a recent surgical procedure that impacts their mobility. Temporary disability parking permits are normally issued for a time period of up to 6 months and more. This information has to be documented by a physician who supplies the specifics of these medical conditions and other eligibility requirements.


Fees for Disabled Parking Tags


Based on the state that you are obtaining the disability permit from, the fees can vary greatly from state to state. For instance, in some states the fees are very small, while in other states there are no fees or charges for the disability  permit.


On the other hand, there are fees and fines levied in some state laws for certain abuses. For instance, it is illegal to give the disability tag to another individual to use in their vehicles, particularly if you are not present in the vehicle. And, for people who abuse these disability placards in any way, DMV can cancel the permits that they have secured and then impose fines and other penalties for its illegal usage.


What are the Disabled space requirements?


According to the ADA (American Disabilities Act) handbook, the basic qualifying disability for accessible spaces should be at least 2440 mm wide (equivalent to 96 inches), and must be a part of the facility entrance or a route into the building.


And, these spaces should be available for disabled persons who have the appropriate valid disabled permanent or temporary disability permits such as a specially marked license plate or a disability sign that can be hung from the rear-view-mirror in the vehicle.


Moreover, there are special qualifying disabilities that must be met to obtain these types of permits, and they usually vary based on each state’s laws. Yet, these medical qualifying disabilities are usually confined to specific types of medical conditions and disabilities. In fact, as a general rule, here are some of the qualifying disabilities that apply within the U.S.


  • Persons who need aid in the use assistive devices like canes, crutches and wheelchairs due to a missing foot or leg is a qualifying disability.
  • Certain states include medical conditions like respiratory conditions, chronic pain and cardiovascular disease
  • Approximately 1/2 of the states in the U.S. (26) provide additional qualifying disabilities for drivers who aid in driving blind passengers.
  • 16 states in the U.S. provide a qualifying disability for drivers who have a disabled hand.
  • Mental illness is a qualifying disability in New York and Virginia
  • Deafness is qualifying disability in Georgia, Wyoming, Kentucky and Virginia

These disability tags come in a wide range of colors based on each state’s requirements, even though the most common colors are blue for permanent tags and red for temporary ones. Each state has towing laws that cover the parking of unauthorized vehicles in any designated disability space. Also, the number of disabled spaces available are regulated by both state and federal laws.

 Handicap Parking Placards Online

It is also important to note that there are specific codes, symbols and colors that regulate how disabled spaces should be marked. Here’s some of the most common schemes that’s used throughout the U.S., and they can vary based on each state’s guidelines.


Guidelines for Reserved Disability Spaces


  • International Symbol of Access with blue delineated lines is used for reserved disability spaces. To avoid a ticket, the vehicle must have either a disability plate or a mirror placard. Parking in these spaces are free with no observation in time limits (in some states).
  • No display of valid disability tags or disability plate on a vehicle, the owner of the vehicle is subject to receiving a ticket
  • Heavy fines are also charged for fraudulently using another person’s tag

Can Handicap Placards be Used for Electric Vehicles Charging Stations?


As electric vehicle charging stations become more prevalent in places like California, drivers want to know if these laws apply to these charging stations. Even though the growth in the number of PEV is steadily increasing, these charging stations are not considered to be spaces nor are charging station ADA compliant. Therefore, since the integration of PEV charging spaces and disability parking cards are not currently recognized under the law, common courtesy in these situations are highly recommended. For instance, if a state like California has ADA space compliant charging stations, it is highly recommended that these spaces be available for use last.


Different Types of Handicap Spaces


Understanding and abiding by these rules are pivotal to everyone, including those people with disabilities and others that are not affected by these medical conditions. Therefore, you need to pay close attention to the different types of spaces and how they are actually marked today. For instance, there are 2 distinct types of disability spaces that you need to be familiar with. Each of which are listed below and they are identified by their different colors.


  • Standard disability Spaces
  • You can identify standard disability spaces by the white wheel chair design that is painted over a blue background.
  • Van Accessible disability Spaces
  • You can identify the van accessible disability spaces by the larger space dimensions with white diagonal lines on one or both sides of the space. The larger spaces are much bigger in sizes because they are intended for additional extensions like rear entry ramps.

Handicap Placard Rules and Guidelines


Once you have your disability license plate and/or disability card, you need to make sure that you are abiding by the parking rules and guidelines that these special permits give you access to.

 Handicap Parking Placards Online

Get your placard online today.

So, let’s get started by providing a brief listing of what you need to know


  • The disability permit accommodates your specific disability needs. Therefore, you can place the disability card in the vehicle that you drive or ride in as a passenger.
  • Never loan out your parking permits or cards out to non-authorized individuals. If this happens, this is considered to be misuse and you can lose your own privileges as well as be subject to fines.
  • Don’t assume. The disability parking rules and guidelines vary from one state to another. So, check out the locality where you live first.
  • No Disability card or disability license, don’t park. If you do not have a permit to park in disability spaces or you are not driving, someone who has the permit leaves these parking spaces for people who do.
  • Not all disabilities are visible. Some people have disabilities that you cannot see (i.e. respiratory, lung etc.). Therefore, they may have a valid handicap parking placard to park in these spaces so create an unnecessary scene.


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