Who Qualifies for a Disabled Parking Permit?
Who Qualifies for a Disabled Parking Permit? - Parking can be hard for most people, even though it doesn’t have to be. Most times, you have to hustle to find parking space, whether going to the mall, appointment or even the office. And afterwards, some people struggle with even parking the car on their own. However, everything ends up working most of the time.
But, parking can be a nightmare for people living with disabilities. It is a day to day struggle as these people suffer from conditions that hinder them from moving freely. Most places have a handicap parking space for such people. It is usually a blue triangle sign indicating that the area is reserved for disabled people. However, even though every state has this space, accessing it is not always a walk in the park. To park in these spaces, these persons must have a disability permit from the state, which qualifies them for these privileges.
Eligibility requirements are created to help differentiate people who are genuinely disabled from those who believe that they are disabled when they are not. Often, we associate disability with someone in a wheelchair or walking using crutches.
Sure, these people are undoubtedly disabled. However, disability is more than that. Some varied conditions interfere with someone’s mobility, making them considered disabled. In that case, this person is also eligible for a handicap parking permit. But there is so much confusion about who should and shouldn’t get this parking privilege. If you are wondering whether you qualify for handicap parking, read on to learn more about its eligibility requirements.
Benefits of Disabled Parking Permits
Applying and getting a handicap parking permit offers various benefits. One is that it allows an individual to access better parking. They can easily park in any space designated for disabled people. If one does not have a permit, it may be difficult to go to certain stores or businesses since walking from the parking area to the destination can be tricky. But this permit allows them to park in closer and more convenient spaces.
Additionally, having these permits gives disabled people more independence. They can travel anywhere without feeling limited. As such, people with “hidden disabilities” can become more involved and perform their daily tasks, meaning that they will contribute more to their communities and socialize with their family/friends.
Again, parents of children diagnosed with autism or Down Syndrome benefit from a handicap parking placard. Since the parents can park closer, they can easily transport their kids from the parking space to the location. So, traveling and running errands will be much easier.
Types of Handicap Parking Permits
There are different parking permits, but all are categorized broadly as placards and license plates. All these are issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles in different states to people with a qualifying disability condition. Placard handicap parking permits come in various colors that show specific parking conditions for those they are issued to.
Red placards are given to people with a temporary disability, usually for six months. Dark blue ones are issued for those with permanent disabilities, and the renewal period varies from state to state. Light blue placards are issued specifically to people using wheelchairs and are renewed in different types depending on the state.
If you’d rather not use a placard, you can opt for a license plate that replaces your old plates. Please confirm with your state of the renewal period, but most usually offer a valid one-year period.
Please note that you can apply for placards online or at the DMV office and submit the form via mail, fax or in person. However, those who want license plates need to visit the DMV office.
Eligibility for Disabled Parking Permits
Sadly, there aren’t any federal laws that regulate eligibility for handicap parking permits. Therefore, the qualifying conditions are different depending on the state. But most states base their decisions depending on whether a person can walk 100 or 200 yards without stopping or resting. Other than that, some states also consider whether or not you need an assistive device like a wheelchair, cane or prosthetic limb.
People with conditions that limit them from using their legs freely, lung disease, advanced cardiovascular disease, vision problems, and significant limb impairment may also be considered for these permits. Many Americans suffer from obesity, and experts say that the number has risen significantly since the 1980s. Morbid obesity is the worst form of obesity where the patient can’t move freely because of their weight. Some states classify this as a genuine disability and issue a handicap parking permit for people suffering from this condition.
Apart from the conditions that can be seen, there are other conditions not visible to the naked eye that are considered disabilities according to the law. However, since these are “hidden”, many people don’t see them as disabilities. So patients are often harassed by other citizens because they don’t look like they have any disability.
Unfortunately, these conditions are prevalent and include seizure disorders, fibromyalgia, cancer treatments, neurological illnesses, and severe heart and lung conditions. Bear in mind that just because you can’t see a disability, it doesn’t mean that it’s not existent for the person suffering from it. The handicap parking permit is enough proof that a person genuinely has a disability and will greatly benefit from the privileges that come with this permit.
ADA Parking Space Requirements
ADA parking is a handicap parking that follows the rules and regulations set by the Americans with Disabilities Act. The requirements for ADA handicap parking spaces say that:
Only those with a handicap parking permit can use these spaces
The spaces must have proper signage and appropriately sized
The spaces should be in accessible locations in the buildings and amenities they are in
If you aren’t sure whether you or your loved one qualifies for a handicap permit, please see your primary doctor for an evaluation. They will look at your conditions and advise you accordingly. Or, if you can’t get to the doctor’s office for one reason or another, go online at a reputable telemedicine site and speak to a physician. Please remember that the application form has a section at the bottom that must be signed by a doctor. Therefore, working with one is a must. Who Qualifies for a Disabled Parking Permit?