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Posted 11/10/2021 in Disabled Persons by HandicapMD

Can You Become A Truck Driver With Physical Disabilities?

Can You Become A Truck Driver With Physical Disabilities?

Can You Become A Truck Driver With Physical Disabilities? 

Can Someone With Physical Disabilities Become A Truck Driver? Since the truck driver’s job is a very demanding job, it's not a position that anyone can do. However, when it comes to the physically disabled person, it is an absolute possibility.


With that said, let’s find out a little bit more about why, specifically as it relates to the questions and responses provided for you below.


Can A Person that has a Physical Disability Person Become A Truck Driver?

 As mentioned above, it is absolutely possible for a person with a disability to become a truck driver. In fact, if you look at some of the studies that have been published recently, some of the most experienced truck drivers on the road in the U.S. today have some type of disability. This is because most of their physical disabilities do not prevent them from driving a truck professionally.


Based on case by case, the person may need special accommodations to do their jobs. For example, in some situations, a disable driver may need changes made to the structure of their cab. Or, based on a specific disability, they may need some sort of technological aid to fulfill their loading and unloading duties. In fact, in 2020 the technological advances that have been made are designed specifically to make these jobs easier than ever before. And, with these latest changes, a disability does not have to be a disadvantage to performing this type of work. 

 Can You Become A Truck Driver With Physical Disabilities How Common are Disabled Drivers in this workforce?


In the United States, the disabled truck drivers are very common to see. According to recent publications, some drivers may already have a disability in the early stages of their truck driving days. On the other hand, some people may not have a disability until after they have been driving for a while. Whatever the case, the disabled truck driver is not an anomaly that people have not witnessed before. In fact, if anyone is paying attention, they may even see how common these positions are in the mainstream.


What Does The Law Say About an Individual who wants to drive with a physical disability?

The law governs the employment and treatment of people with disabilities. Based on the legislations established in ADA, The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), employers must make reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. It is also the main piece of legislation that governs the truck industry, specifically as it relates to truck drivers with a disability. Based on this legislation , the ADA states that both potential employers and present employers of disabled people should seek to make “reasonable accommodations that will allow a physically disabled person to be a truck driver.


It is also important to note that fair treatment is mandatory, and not just a requirement. Though there are some physical disabilities that will not be covered under this act for protection. Simply put, some physical disabilities are not eligible for this provision under the ADA. Instead, certain disabilities will disqualify an individual from becoming a truck driver.
What Physical Disabilities will Disqualify An Individual From Becoming A Truck Driver?


As noted above, there are some physical disabilities that will disqualify a person from being employed as a truck driver. These are specific disabilities that have been excluded from reasonable accommodations, and they can be found in the regulations that support the American Disabilities Act. Here are some of the medical conditions that will disqualify a physically disabled person from becoming a truck driver.



  • Diabetes: If the person is required to take injections, they cannot drive as a truck driver. On the other hand, if the disabled person is taking insulin by mouth, this is not a disqualifying criteria.
  • Cardiovascular disease: The type of medical condition can make a significant difference in disqualifiers, too. For instance, if the disabled person’s cardiovascular disease is as a result of congestive cardiac failure, syncope, dyspnea, or the person has collapsed, the disabled person will be disqualified from serving in a trucker driving position.
  • Certain respiratory diseases: If the disabled person’s respiratory condition is likely to interfere with their capabilities to operate a commercial motor vehicle, this will also disqualify the person from driving a commercial truck.
  • Hypertension of Stage 3 severity
  • Blindness in one eye


 Though these are some of the main disqualifiers for serving in this role, the trucking Industry also requires specific medical certifications before placing any driver on the road. Therefore, these certifications must be obtained from a licensed medical professional that has reviewed and assessed the physical disability before the truck driver is actually eligible to drive. The primary goal and objective is to ensure the person with the physical disability is able to perform all essential duties of a truck driver.


Can You Become A Truck Driver With Physical Disabilities

How Can the Truck-Driving Industry Use Advance Technology To Assist Disabled Drivers

 To assist truck drivers with physical disabilities, the truck-driving industry is using the most innovative technologies. These new technologies are designed specifically to help the physically disabled work more effectively, while also enjoying performing duties in their lucrative careers. Here are a few great technical advancements that help the disabled with better facilitating their duties.


wheelchair lifts and ramps
 Cranes for loading and unloading
 Pedal and steering wheel extensions
 Left foot accelerators
 Reduced effort braking systems
 Hand controls
 Adaptive electronic controls

Steps on how to become Truck Driver With Physical Disabilities


 To apply for a truck driver position as a physically disabled person, here are 4 things that you will need today .



  • Pass your Skill Performance Evaluation
  • Obtain a Commercial Driver’s License
  • Secure a USDOT pin number from the Federal MCSA
  • Complete an application for a truck driving disabled parking permit


Simplest Way to Apply for Disabled Parking Permit


One of the simplest ways to apply a disabled permit is to make an appointment online with a licensed medical professional via a telemedicine consultation HandicapMD.

 Can You Become A Truck Driver With Physical Disabilities



So, now that you learned that the physically disabled can become a truck driver and how to qualify, you can apply for your disabled parking permit today.


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