Why You Should Get a Handicap Parking Permit when Having a Lung Disorder
Did you know that most Americans have different disabilities? A recent disability report reveals that one in ten Americans has a particular disability. These statistics are likely to get even high as the researcher reports that some individuals missed the report or survey. If you’re one of the individuals living with a mobility challenge or a disability, it’s essential to understand the Americans with Disabilities Act. This Act helps to protect individuals living with disabilities in the United States. Among the numerous benefits, this Act dictates the provision of accessible parking lots in all the public parking spaces across the country. The Act requires that 25-space parking spaces have one designated accessible parking lot. You can use these spaces if you’ve got a handicap parking permit or placard.
Authorities provide various impairments and medical conditions that can qualify you for the disabled parking permit. Despite the variations in the qualifying conditions between states, some conditions are general throughout the country. For instance, pulmonary or lung disorder is one of the common conditions. Conditions such as emphysema, cystic fibrosis, COPD, asthma, and pulmonary hypertension are usually not limited to one state. Furthermore, you can qualify for the handicap parking permit when suffering from any breathing complications that can make it hard to walk a longer distance without resting. The condition might result in using portable oxygen, making it demanding to walk for any distance.
Living with a pulmonary or lung disorder is usually challenging. Thus, it'd help if you had a disabled parking placard or permit to make life easier and manageable. When having the permit or placard and driving your vehicle, you can easily park at any public parking lot having accessible parking space. The law requires that the accessible parking spaces be at least 96 inches wide. The width provides more space for you to load and unload your portable oxygen tanks or the wheelchair or walker.
Furthermore, the ADA Act requires that convenient aisled provide an accessible path or route from the vehicle to the building. Remember that you have to walk gently to need assistance; thus, it’ll be wise to understand parking close to the building you’re visiting is vital. Parking close to the building you’re visiting is usually comfortable in extremely cold or hot climates when you don’t have to hang outside longer.
Getting a portable handicap parking permit is another convenience of having this placard or permit. These permits come in a placard form, allowing you to hang them inside your vehicle. The placard format is usually more beneficial than the other alternative, like the marked license plates, as you can easily use them in your vehicle. The authorities award you the permit after having a qualifying condition, so you use it to park in any designated parking spaces. You can use it whether you’re driving your car, as a passenger in your colleague's car, or a passenger in your car.
However, when using the permit, remember to display it in a visible location in your car. When having a disability resulting from a pulmonary or lung disorder, it’s vital to understand that you use the permit as a passenger in your vehicle if you can’t or don’t feel like driving. You can use the permit if you’re getting a lift from your friend or neighbor, as the law still allows you to use it to park at any accessible parking spaces in public parking spots. Remember, if you prefer driving yourself, having a portable disabled permit is essential in case you’re not driving one day or when a colleague uses their car to take you somewhere in their car. The portable permit prevents you from walking long distances or having difficulties when looking for a parking space.
The best way to check if you qualify for the disabled parking permits is to apply only at Dr. HandicapMD. This telehealth platform has in-house consultants who evaluate and take you through a stress-free health and medical conditions assessment. If you’re usually uncomfortable or distressed living in the home to travel and apply for the permit, this platform provides a convenient alternative. The evaluation and assessment process involves a video or call, allowing you to get the approval at the comfort of your house. Despite your invisible condition, specialists or physicians will conduct a full medical evaluation and disability check covering everything. After approval, the authorities will send you the disabled parking permit, and you can start using it immediately as a passenger or driver. Applying for your handicap parking permit online today might be one of the best decisions you’ve made this year.