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Plates or Placard: Which is the Optimum Handicap Parking Marker?

Plates or Placard: Which is the Optimum Handicap Parking Marker?

Plates or Placard: Which is the Optimum Handicap Parking Marker?

Most people worldwide know the distinctive disabled sign, as it’s similar in every country. Many authorities refer to it as the ISA - International Symbol of Access. The handicap sign consists of a visible and stylized white image of an individual in a wheelchair over a blue background. This image is common and popular in most cities or towns, making many individuals recognize it instinctively. Besides being a popular sign, you can commonly see it in parking spaces. Able-bodied individuals might see it as part of the decorations or scenery; however, this image in the parking spaces resembles a lifeline for individuals with mental and debilitating physical disabilities. Most state authorities provide disabled drivers with license plates or placards to identify themselves. However, it’ll be vital to understand the difference between these two and the optimum or reliable disabled parking marker.


Physical challenges or disabilities come in different shapes and sizes, making it hard to find a one-size-fits-all treatment approach. The type of disorders and their nuances are extremely complex. Nevertheless, the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) offers blanket protection for disabled individuals. ADA Act is federal legislation that protects anyone with mental or physical disability discrimination in various aspects of life, like renting accommodation, traveling, etc. Unfortunately, we don’t have any federal law regarding accessible parking. The federal government allows each state to decide its parking, spaces, and permit rules.


Despite each state having its accessible parking space rules, these laws usually align. Disabled drivers and their minders have something to smile about as they use their state’s permit in all the US states. Apart from the US states, these permits are also valid in most countries and regions outside the US. However, the largest difference is usually the qualifying conditions that make individuals eligible for that disabled parking permit. Surveys show that some states have limited conditions on their lists, while others have a huge list. Furthermore, some states have more restrictive qualifiers.

 Plates or Placard: Which is the Optimum Handicap Parking Marker?

Remember that all the states provide allowance to individuals with severe disabilities. The general rule for this allowance is to prioritize individuals who can't move or walk for more than 100 feet without assistance. Furthermore, regarding accessible parking, mental disability is controversial across most states. Most individuals with mental disabilities have a huge potential of having a crippling disorder, but most states are yet to accept the condition in their legislation. However, New Year is a frontrunner in this field, as the state has introduced some legislation or rules based on mental disabilities in their disabled parking program.


When applying for your handicap permit, you can opt for a license plate or a placard. The outset difference between these permits narrows down to the kind of disability you have. When having a permanent disability, you can apply for either the license plate or placard, depending on your needs. Permanent disabilities include all disabilities you can find interventions for or will remain for the rest of your life, such as missing limbs, degenerative muscle diseases, etc. When having a temporary disability, the authorities will only allow you to apply for a placard. Additionally, some states classify broken limbs or late-stage pregnancies as temporary disabilities.


Placards are usually more portable than license plates, making them easy to move around with or transfer between vehicles. Despite this advantage, it’s vital to understand that using a disabled parking placard without its owner is a serious offense. The authorities will also consider it even if the owner travels with a particular disease regularly, but He isn’t in the car when you’re using it. This case is similar to license plates, as the owner needs to be in the vehicle for you to park at the accessible parking spaces.


The main advantage of using license plates is that losing them is hard. This advantage makes license plates a great choice when you have one designated vehicle that you'll use to travel in as a passenger or driver frequently. Disabled parking plates are appropriate for individuals who require a unique or specially-modified vehicle; you can be comfortable resting knowing that it’s secure, as the authorities attach it on the back. Disabled parking plates are a great alternative if you’re prone to losing things.


When using placards, you have to display them on your vehicle's dashboard or hang them on the rearview. The main drawback of using placards is that you can forget them easily when changing cars or leave them in the vehicle you were using last time when using different cars. Remember that parking in accessible parking spaces without a placard or permit, regardless of your visible disability. When owning the plates or placards, it's essential to understand that you have to renew them after a certain duration. Remember, the different states have different laws; thus, you need to check with your state’s Department of Motor Vehicles to understand all the laws and the renewal period.


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