Explore 5 Travel Tips from An Accessible Travel Expert
Traveling has become more affordable than ever before. With advances in technology, we now live in a world where distance is no longer a barrier. Thanks to the travel agencies because travelers can rent rooms in private homes worldwide. Unfortunately, some of these travel agencies and tour operators are not aware of what it means to be "Accessible." They may think that a person with a disability can't go on vacation. Or they might assume that you have to hire someone else to take care of your needs while traveling.
Medical content reviewed by Dr Eric Jackson-Scott MD, Chief Medical Officer
The truth is, there's no reason why anyone should ever feel discriminated against when trying to enjoy their vacations! In fact, most people who use wheelchairs don't even realize how much easier life becomes once they learn about some simple things like ramps and elevators. And if you're planning a trip overseas, chances are good that many countries will provide assistance as well. So let's have a look at 5 easy ways to make sure that you get the best possible experience during your travels.
5. Communicate
Communication is key to making any kind of travel work out smoothly. If you know ahead of time that you'll be going somewhere where English isn't spoken, then plan accordingly so that you won't end up feeling lost. Also, try to find out beforehand whether or not hotels offer room service. This way, you can avoid having to ask them every day. It also helps if you speak Spanish because this language is often used by those working in tourism.
4. Own your trip
If you want to see everything, do everything yourself. Don't rely on others to show you around. You'd be surprised at all the places you could visit without help. Many cities have tourist information centers which can give you maps and brochures. Some museums allow visitors to skip long lines simply by showing proof of membership. There are lots of other options too. Just keep looking until you find something that works for you.
3. Book directly with the agency
When booking through a travel agent, you run into problems such as hidden fees and surcharges. When buying direct, there are lots of benefits, including lower prices and better deals. In most cases, you pay only one fee - the price of the ticket itself. Of course, you still have to deal with paying taxes and getting reimbursed for medical expenses. But these costs aren't added to your final bill. Plus, you usually receive better customer service since you're dealing directly with the company instead of just passing along messages. The only thing you need to remember is to hire the right travel agency. How do you hire the right agency? Well, first off, check online reviews. Then read testimonials and feedback left by previous clients. Finally, call the agency and talk to a representative. Ask questions and listen carefully. Make sure that you understand exactly what services they offer and how much each costs.
2. Prepare for the unexpected
It never hurts to prepare for the worst-case scenario. For example, if you're visiting Europe, consider purchasing health insurance prior to leaving home. Not only does this ensure that you won't lose money due to unforeseen circumstances, but it gives you peace of mind knowing that you've taken steps to protect yourself. On top of that, it makes sense financially to purchase travel insurance. After all, you wouldn't buy car insurance unless you knew that you would drive safely, right?
1. Ask for help
Finally, remember that asking for help doesn't mean being weak. Quite the contrary; it shows strength and independence. Most people love helping others. Asking for help shouldn't come across as rude or arrogant. Instead, it should be seen as a sign of appreciation. By doing so, you demonstrate that you appreciate the kindness shown towards you.
As you can see, traveling while handicapped is very possible. All you need to do is take advantage of the resources available to you. The more prepared you are, the less likely you'll encounter difficulties. Hopefully, we've shed light on some critical topics related to disability travel. We hope that this guide has helped you gain insight into what you might expect when traveling or when you're on vacation.
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