Check Some Good Info on Mobility Awareness Month
The month of May is popularly known for mobility awareness. During this time, people bring attention to the millions of Americans with mobility issues and their challenges. They also try to find out how they can collaborate to establish an equitable and more accommodating society for all people. However, if you should not worry if you have never heard about it, since this guide will help you understand that. As the nation prepares for the disability awareness month, you need to know some of the critical factors you can educate yourself on and strategies for positive impact.
Medical content reviewed by Dr Eric Jackson-Scott MD, Chief Medical Officer
How many Americans suffer from mobility disabilities?
According to the reports provided by CDC, approximately 1 out of 4 adult Americans have a disability. In this case, mobility disabilities are highly common since they affect 1 out of 7 adults. That means several people live with disabilities and struggle to ensure that their personhood is respected.
What issues do disabled people in the US face:
One of the primary problems is that most people have a perception that disabled Americans receive sufficient support. In particular, the disabled started having a conducive environment 30 years after Congress passed the Americans With Disabilities Act. Although it is a lovely idea for disabled people, that does not reflect reality. For instance, the COVID-19 assisted in illustrating part of these issues in ways people could appreciate different kinds of disabilities.
The government enforced social distancing amid the pandemic became a challenging transition for most people. However, for most disabled people, it was a fact that social isolation negatively affected them. That is because most communities lack transportation and accommodations for disabled people. Apart from that, disabled people suffer from economic difficulties, job insecurity, and discrimination protection from ADA.
What can people assist the mobility awareness month?
The mobility awareness month aims to popularize the need to cater to disabled people and their lives, from the disabled Vets, to the wheelchair users, and amputees. Apart from that, you might want to ensure that you center your discussions around disabled voices. Therefore, assisting in promoting the stories of the disabled involved the ideal way of getting involved in their welfare.
Further, several organizations, including the Muscular Dystrophy Association, assist in improving the quality of life of disabled people. That means, by supporting them materially and financially, you are contributing towards the welfare of the disabled in society.
Remaining aware all year round
In reality, people make their disability awareness only for 31 days in May. Therefore, all people must remember their disabled friends and family members throughout the year. Most importantly, one should take this mobility awareness month to their hearts and spirits and practice better allyship daily.
May also marks the end of the school year calendar. As the Americans prepare for summer, all parents have a chance to assist in teaching their children to become good allies. That can become critical, especially when more children will commence the in-person learning for the 2021-2022 school calendar year.
In summation, based on the spirit of awareness, one of the best ways to begin is for all parents to read our guide. The guide educates children on the best strategies to become inclusive regarding their disabled peers.
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