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Unveiling the Rules and Regulations of Using a Handicap Placard in South Carolina

Unveiling the Rules and Regulations of Using a Handicap Placard in South Carolina

Unveiling the Rules and Regulations of Using a Handicap Placard in South Carolina


Welcome to our in-depth guide on using a disability pass in South Carolina. If you or someone you know has a disability, having a pass can significantly improve accessibility and convenience when parking in designated spots. This article will unveil all the essential rules and regulations surrounding the use of handicap placards in South Carolina. We'll cover the application process, eligibility criteria, benefits, rights, and responsibilities of authorized  holders, and much more.

Unveiling the Rules and Regulations of Using a Placard in South Carolina

When it comes to using a disability permit in South Carolina, there are several important rules and regulations to be aware of. Below, we'll explore each aspect in detail, ensuring you have a comprehensive understanding of how the system works.

Eligibility Criteria for a Placard

To qualify for a handicap permit in South Carolina, applicants must meet specific eligibility criteria. These criteria generally include having a disability that impairs mobility or causes significant difficulty in walking. The disability may be permanent or temporary, and the applicant must provide relevant medical documentation supporting their condition.

Types of Placards

In SC, there are two types: permanent and temporary. Permanent ones are issued to individuals with long-term disabilities, while temporary ones are granted to those with short-term impairments. The duration of a temporary one varies based on the applicant's medical needs.

Application Process for a Placard

Applying for a handicap permit in SC is a straightforward process. Applicants can obtain the necessary forms from the South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles (SCDMV) website or visit a local SCDMV office. The forms must be completed accurately, and the applicant's healthcare provider must certify the disability. Once the application is approved, it will be issued to the applicant.

Displaying the Placard

It is crucial for valid holders to properly display the handicap placard when parking in designated spots. It should be hung on the rear-view mirror when the vehicle is parked. When driving, it should be removed and stored to avoid obstructing the driver's view.

Parking Rules for Placard Holders

Authorized holders are entitled to certain parking privileges, but it is essential to follow the specific parking rules. They can park in designated accessible parking spaces, as well as metered spaces, without paying the meter fee. However, they must adhere to posted time limits. It is illegal to use the permit to park in non-designated spaces, loading zones, or areas where parking is prohibited.

Rights and Responsibilities of Placard Holders

Permit holders in South Carolina have the right to access designated parking spaces to accommodate their mobility needs. They should also be aware of their responsibility to use it only when the individual with the disability is present in the vehicle. Misusing a disability permit is a serious offense and can result in fines and the revocation.

Renewal and Replacement of Placards

Handicap permits have an expiration date, and holders must renew them before they expire. The renewal process typically involves re-certifying the disability with a healthcare provider. In case of loss, theft, or damage, holders can request a replacement from the SCDMV.

Using a Placard in Public and Private Properties

Authorized holders can use their permits in both public and private properties, provided they abide by the posted rules and regulations. Private businesses and establishments must comply with accessibility laws and provide designated parking spots for individuals with disabilities.

Traveling with a Placard

If you plan to travel outside of SC, it's essential to familiarize yourself with the disability parking laws of the destination state. While most states recognize out-of-state passes, the specific rules may vary, and it's best to ensure compliance to avoid any issues.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Can I use my South Carolina disability pass in other states?

  2. Yes, most states recognize out-of-state passes. However, it's advisable to check the specific rules of the destination state before traveling.

  3. Can a friend or family member use my disability pass when I'm not present?

  4. No, it is only valid when the individual with the disability is present in the vehicle. Allowing others to use it is considered misuse and is illegal.

  5. How long does it take to process a disability pass application?

  6. The processing time can vary, but it typically takes a few weeks. It's best to apply well in advance if you have an urgent need for it.

  7. Can I renew my disability pass online?

  8. Yes, SC allows online renewal. However, you will need to provide updated medical documentation as part of the renewal process.

  9. What should I do if my disability pass is lost or stolen?

  10. If your pass is lost or stolen, report it to the SCDMV immediately. You can request a replacement, but a small fee may apply.

  11. Are there any fines for misusing a disability pass?

  12. Yes, misusing a pass can result in fines and the revocation. It's essential to use it responsibly and only when necessary.


Navigating the rules and regulations of using a handicap placard in South Carolina is crucial for individuals with disabilities and their caregivers. By understanding the eligibility criteria, application process, parking rules, and responsibilities, authorized holders can make the most of their privileges while ensuring compliance with the law. Remember, a handicap permit is a valuable tool for improving accessibility and mobility, and it should be used responsibly to ensure its benefits for those who genuinely need it.

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