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Unveiling the Rules and Regulations of Using a Handicap Placard in Idaho

Unveiling the Rules and Regulations of Using a Handicap Placard in Idaho

Unveiling the Rules and Regulations of Using a Handicap Placard in Idaho


Unveiling the rules and regulations of using a handicap placard in Idaho is crucial for individuals with disabilities. Idaho, like many states, has specific guidelines in place to ensure that those who genuinely require accessible parking spaces have easy access to them. In this article, we will explore these rules comprehensively to help you better understand the rights and responsibilities associated with handicap permits in the Gem State.

What is a Handicap Placard?

Before we dive into the regulations, let's clarify what a disability permit actually is. A handicap placard, also known as a disabled parking permit, is a special identification that allows individuals with disabilities to park in designated disabled parking spaces. These passes come in two forms: a removable hanging placard and a license plate with a disability emblem.

Eligibility Criteria

In ID, eligibility for a handicap permit is determined by specific criteria. To ensure that disability passes are issued to those who genuinely need them, Idaho has specific eligibility criteria. These criteria include:

Mobility Impairment

Applicants must have a mobility impairment that substantially limits their ability to walk. This can be due to conditions such as paralysis, arthritis, or severe respiratory issues.

Certification by a Medical Professional

A licensed medical practitioner, such as a doctor or physician's assistant, must certify the applicant's eligibility. This certification is crucial in verifying the need for a disability permit.

Temporary or Permanent Disabilities

Idaho issues both temporary and permanent passes. Temporary ones are valid for up to six months, while permanent ones are valid for three years. Renewal is required for continued use.

Unveiling the Rules and Regulations of Using a Handicap Placard in Idaho

Applying for a Handicap Placard

Once you've determined your eligibility, you can begin the application process. Here's what you need to do:

Gather Required Documentation

Collect the necessary documents, including the certification from your medical practitioner. This document should outline your disability and the need for a permit.

Complete the Application

Idaho's Transportation Department provides a dedicated form for disability placard applications. Fill out the form thoroughly, ensuring all details are accurate.

Submit the Application

You can submit your application by mail or in person at your local DMV office. There is no online application process for Idaho handicap placards.

Temporary vs. Permanent Placards

Idaho offers both temporary and permanent passes. Temporary ones are issued for a maximum of 180 days, while permanent ones are valid for several years. The type of permit issued depends on the applicant's medical condition and the healthcare professional's recommendation.

Displaying the Placard

When using a disability pass in ID, it must be displayed prominently in the vehicle, hanging from the rearview mirror, with the expiration date visible from the outside. This makes it easy for law enforcement and parking officials to verify its validity.

Parking Privileges

Handicap permit holders in Idaho enjoy certain parking privileges. They are allowed to park in designated accessible parking spaces, often closer to building entrances, to facilitate easier access. Parking in these spaces without a valid permit can result in fines.

Penalties for Misuse

Misusing a pass is a serious offense in Idaho. If caught using a pass fraudulently or allowing someone else to use it without the authorized holder present, significant fines and penalties may be imposed. This measure ensures that only those who genuinely need accessible parking spaces have access to them.

Renewing the Placard

ID handicap passes have expiration dates. Authorized holders must keep track of their placard's expiration date and renew it in a timely manner. Failure to do so may result in the loss of parking privileges.

Parking in Other States

ID disability passes are typically recognized in other states as well. However, it's essential to familiarize yourself with the specific regulations of the state you are visiting to ensure compliance with their rules.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How long does it take to get a disability permit in ID? A: The processing time for a handicap placard in Idaho varies but typically takes a few weeks.

Q: Can I use my ID handicap permit in other states? A: Yes, Idaho passes are generally recognized in other states, but it's essential to verify their regulations.

Q: What should I do if my disability pass is lost or stolen? A: Contact the Idaho Transportation Department immediately to report the loss or theft and request a replacement.

Q: Are there fines for parking in a designated space without a valid permit? A: Yes, parking in a handicap space without a valid permit can result in fines.

Q: Can I lend my pass to someone else? A: No, lending your pass to someone else is illegal and can lead to penalties.

Q: Are there penalties for fraudulent use of a disability permit? A: Yes, using a permit fraudulently or allowing someone else to do so can result in fines and penalties.


Understanding the rules and regulations of using a handicap placard in Idaho is vital for individuals with disabilities. It ensures that accessible parking spaces are available to those who genuinely need them and helps maintain order and fairness in parking facilities. By adhering to these guidelines, individuals can enjoy the convenience of accessible parking while promoting inclusivity and accessibility for all.

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