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Posted 11/08/2023 by HandicapMD

Unveiling the Rules and Regulations of Using a Handicap Placard in California

Unveiling the Rules and Regulations of Using a Handicap Placard in California

Unveiling the Rules and Regulations of Using a Handicap Placard in California


California provides permits to individuals with disabilities, allowing them convenient parking access and ensuring their mobility. However, it's crucial to understand the rules and regulations surrounding the use of it to avoid any violations. In this comprehensive guide, we will unveil the rules and regulations of using a handicap placard in California.

What is a Handicap Placard?

A handicap placard, also known as a disabled parking permit, is a special identification card or a hangtag that allows individuals with disabilities to park in designated accessible parking spaces. In California, a handicap permit is issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to ensure equal access and convenience for people with disabilities.

Types of Handicap Placards in California

In California, there are two main types available:

a) Temporary: This is issued for temporary disabilities that are expected to last for six months or less. It is valid for a specific duration, as determined by the healthcare provider.

b) Permanent: Individuals with disabilities that are expected to be long-term or permanent are eligible for a permanent one. This is valid for a maximum of six years and must be renewed.

Eligibility Criteria for a Handicap Placard

To qualify for a handicap placard in California, an individual must meet specific eligibility criteria. The following conditions are considered for issuing a permit:

  • The person must have a disability that limits or impairs their mobility.
  • The disability must be certified by a licensed healthcare provider, such as a physician, surgeon, or podiatrist.
  • The disability may include conditions like difficulty walking, cardiac conditions, lung diseases, visual impairments, or the use of portable oxygen.

Unveiling the Rules and Regulations of Using a Handicap Placard in California

Application Process for a Handicap Placard

To apply in California, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Obtain a Disability Healthcare Provider Certificate: Visit your healthcare provider to obtain a completed Disability Healthcare Provider Certificate (DMV form REG 195). This form certifies your disability and is required for the application.

  2. Complete the Application Form: Fill out the Application for Disabled Person Placard or Plates (DMV form REG 195). Provide accurate information and ensure all required fields are completed.

  3. Submit the Application: Submit the completed application form and the Certificate to the nearest DMV office or mail it to the address mentioned on the form. Include any required fees as specified by the DMV.

  4. Receive the Permit: Temporary placards are usually issued immediately, while permanent placards are mailed to your address.

Renewing a Handicap Placard

California handicap placards have an expiration date, and it's essential to renew them before they expire. Here's how you can renew:

  • Temporary Permit: If you still require the permit, you need to reapply and obtain a new Disability Healthcare Provider Certificate. Follow the same application process mentioned earlier.

  • Permanent Permit: The DMV will send you a renewal notice before the expiration date. You can renew it online, by mail, or in person at a DMV office.

Using a Disability Placard Properly

It's crucial to use a permit correctly to ensure its proper utilization and compliance with regulations. Here are some important guidelines to follow:

  • Only the person with the disability or someone driving the authorized person may use it.

  • It should be hung on the rearview mirror when parking in a designated accessible parking space.

  • Do not use it to park in accessible spaces when the authorized person is not present.

  • It should not be used after its expiration date, and a renewed one should be obtained.

Disability Placard Violations and Penalties

Violating the rules and regulations related to disability pass usage can result in penalties. Some common violations and their associated penalties include:

  • Using a pass that has expired: Fine up to $1,000 and/or imprisonment for up to six months.

  • Altering, counterfeiting, or falsifying a pass: Fine up to $1,000 and/or imprisonment for up to six months.

  • Parking in a disabled parking space without a valid pass: Fine up to $1,000 and possible impoundment of the vehicle.

It's crucial to adhere to the regulations to avoid any legal consequences.

Disability Placard Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Can I use my disability tag in other states?

A: Yes, these are generally recognized across different states. However, it's important to familiarize yourself with the specific regulations of each state you visit.

Q: Can I lend my disability tag to a friend or family member?

A: No, it is issued to a specific individual and is non-transferable. It should only be used by the authorized person or someone driving them.

Q: How can I report misuse or abuse of a disability tag?

A: If you suspect someone is misusing or abusing one, you can report it to the local law enforcement agency or the DMV. Provide them with any relevant information, such as the permit number and the vehicle details.

Q: Can I park for free with a disability tag?

A: While parking is generally free for individuals with valid permits, some privately-owned parking lots may charge fees. Always check the posted signs for any applicable charges.

Q: Can I park in a handicap-accessible space without a disability tag?

A: No, parking in a designated parking space without a valid permit can result in penalties and possible impoundment of the vehicle.

Q: Can I use a disability tag if the person with the disability is not in the vehicle?

A: No, the authorized person must be present in the vehicle when using it. It should not be used when the authorized person is not in the vehicle.


Understanding the rules and regulations surrounding the use of a disability pass is essential for individuals with disabilities in California. By following the guidelines, adhering to the regulations, and using the it properly, individuals can benefit from the convenient parking access it provides. Remember to renew before it expires and report any misuse or abuse to the authorities. With this comprehensive guide, you are now equipped with the knowledge to navigate the rules and regulations of using a handicap placard in California.

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