A Guide for Disabled Parking at Disney World
Disney World is one of the most famous tourist attractions in the United States. This most-loved and iconic resort hold various magical attractions. These attractions include several themed hotels, an enormous theme park, theatres, restaurants, and event venues. In this location, you can find something to suit all your family members, as the site's attractions appeal to young children, infants, adults, teens, and even grandparents.
This attraction site has various policies and infrastructure, making it a disability-friendly resort. Most Surveys reveal that most of Disney World’s visitors have different disabilities or mobility issues. Thus, the resort makes accessibility a high priority when offering different services. Furthermore, the resort has a legal obligation or requirement to adhere to the State’s Americans with Disabilities Act.
A Guide to Visiting Disney World When Having Disabilities
Disabilities or mobility issues may result in some restrictions or limitations. However, having these issues doesn’t curtail you from having fun at this resort. This iconic resort has well-established and thought-out measures in place to make its amenities and attraction sites accessible to all individuals.
The resort and the staff make every effort to ensure the most attractive sites in this resort are accessible to all handicapped visitors and their company or family.
Handicap Parking at Disney World
This iconic resort has numerous disabled parking lots. You can find these spaces easily, as the resort locates them throughout the places. Notably, you can find them close to different amenities and close entrances. However, having a valid handicap parking permit or placard to park in these designated spaces will be vital.
You can also request to park your car at the accessible parking lot’s end if you lack a valid disability card. The staff will also allow you to park at these locations, which are near entrances or amenities.
Does Disney World Offer Free Disabled Parking?
The resort doesn’t offer free parking throughout the location. Nevertheless, in some areas, the authorities allow disability card-holders to park for free.
The guidelines require you to pay a standard fee to park at the resort’s main car parks. Below are the standard fees you have to pay:
● Deluxe resorts - $25 for a night
● Moderate resorts - $20 for a night
● Value resorts - $15 for a night
Furthermore, you can find valet parking, which allows disabled parking permit holders to park for free at the location’s Deluxe resorts.
Do You Require a Special Handicap Parking Pass to Access the Accessible Parking Spaces?
Unlike most outdoor attractions, like National Parks, you don’t require to apply for any pass to access these accessible parking lots. You just need a valid disabled parking license plate or placard to use the spaces or lots at the resort.
What disabled Parking lots are available at the Attraction Site?
This iconic resort has three accessible disabled parking lots:
● Accessible parking lots for vans - one-sided entry
● Accessible parking lots for cars
● Accessible parking lots for vans - two-sided entry
Importantly the staff at this resort supplies wheelchairs for visitors having disabilities or mobility issues. The visitors can use the wheelchairs when they need them.
Where Can You Find Disabled Parking at Disney World?
The resort locates all their handicap parking lots closer to the entrance of different amenities serving more individuals.
Can You Use an Out-of-State Handicap Parking Permit in the Resort?
You can use permits or placards from any US state, UK, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, Canada, and any EU country, as the resort sees them as valid.
Does Magic Kingdom have Handicap Parking?
When touring this famous resort, Magic Kingdom offers one of the best attractions. Importantly this site has accessible parking lots. The Magic Kingdom’s handicap is near the transportation and Ticket parking space, where you can only park if you’re a disabled parking permit holder. However, you have to pay a $25 standard parking fee.
Does this Resort Have a Handicap Pass
This famous resort has Disability Access Service (DAS) cards for all visitors with different disabilities. These cards help visitors who are unable to queue due to their disability. When entering the resort's main gate, you can get these cards at the Guest Relations offices. The card enables you to get a return time at the attractions to prevent the need for queuing.
What is the Process of Getting a Handicap Parking Permit?
If you’ve got a disability and you’re planning to visit Disney World, having a handicap parking permit will be vital. However, if you don’t have one, it'll be wise to apply for one on time. The most straightforward way to apply and get this permit is by arranging an online evaluation or consultation with a qualified or state-approved medical physician through HandicapMD.
Upon verifying your disability, the examining physician will complete the relevant sections on the application form. After filling it out, you can submit the application form to the state's local state disabled parking authorities and receive the permit after approval.