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Posted 08/02/2021 by HandicapMD

Chronic Inflammatory Diseases, Arthritis, Osteoarthritis and DMV Handicap Permits in California

Chronic Inflammatory Diseases, Arthritis, Osteoarthritis and DMV Handicap Permits  in California

Qualifying Diseases / Conditions / DMV Handicap Permits: Chronic Inflammatory Diseases, Arthritis, Osteoarthritis and DMV Handicap Permits  in California

Whenever an individual suffers from osteoarthritis and other chronic inflammatory diseases, specific accommodations can and should be made. Actually based on the severity of these medical conditions, this person may not be able to walk or perform other normal day to day activities. If this sounds like you and your situation, you may be able to obtain a special parking permit from the DMV.

In some cases, this may mean submitting an application for disabled parking in California. However, before you submit your application, you need to know the eligibility requirements. That said, here are 6 things that you need to know about these diseases and disabled placards or plates.

Medical content reviewed by Dr Eric Jackson-Scott MD, Chief Medical Officer

Eligibility for an Accessible Parking Placard for Chronic Inflammatory Diseases in California

Eligibility for an Accessible Parking Placard for Chronic Inflammatory Diseases arthritis osteoarthritis in California

As mentioned before, you need to know California’s eligibility requirements for a handicap parking placard. For instance, if you have a disease that leaves you disabled from osteoarthritis, you may have lost a portion or all of your mobility.

According to the most recent information posted on https://www.dmv.ca.gov, you may qualify for DP placard or a DP license plate if you meet the following criteria. 



  •  Lost the use of your lower extremities 
  •  Unable to move around without aid (device that assists you)
  • impairment that interferes with your mobility


What you need to know about chronic inflammation diseases like osteoarthritis.

One of the first things that you should know is that there are 4 stages of this disease. So, your pain and movement may range from minor to severe.

Stage 1 – Minor. Some patients experience little to no pain along with some joint problems (i.e. wear and tear issues).

Stage 2 – Mild. Some patients may require a brace since the joints become stiff, particularly after sitting for prolonged periods of time.

Stage 3 – Moderate. Some people experience additional mobility problems during day to day activities. As the cartilage in their joints begin to degrade, the inflammation becomes more painful.

Stage 4 – Severe. Inflammation become greater and more severe because the cartilage in these area is almost non-existent.


Handicap Parking Permits: How to Get One

 Eligibility for an Accessible Parking Placard for Chronic Inflammatory Diseases in California

You can get your own California handicapped parking permit by signing up on this site. Most or all of the handicapped information that you need is published on this site. So, if you have questions about disabled persons parking placard in California requirements and your particular case, help is offered via virtual service advisor.



How to Apply for a Handicap Parking Permit for Osteoarthritis


Once you meet the handicap parking eligibility requirements listed above, your next step is to get one. Fortunately, this process is relatively easy and straightforward to understand.

For instance, if you have access to your own computer and the internet,

1. Type in the URL https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/file/application-for-disabled-person-placard-or-plates-reg-195-pdf/ and then press enter.

2. After you press enter, you will see an online application (Application name: Application For Disabled Person Placard or Plates).

3. Once you have reviewed this information online, can complete the steps below. 

  •  complete a copy online and then print it or,


  •  Print a blank copy and fill it out.


4. Sign and then secure the appropriate information and authorizations (i.e. nurse, physician, physician assistant etc.)

The form that you complete will also give you the option to select a permanent DP Parking Placard or license plate, temporary DP Parking placard, or a travel disabled person Parking Placard. The option that you select is based on your situation and your physician’s authorizations.

 Why You Should Consider a Handicap Parking Placard for Chronic Inflammatory Diseases

There are many reasons why a disabled person considers getting their own handicap parking permit or disability placard. For instance, based on your own hardship and needs, you may not be able to walk without the added assistance. Therefore, if you want to gain your own freedom, you can apply for your disability sticker or your handicap placard.

Hence, if you qualify for your handicap permit, you’ll have an opportunity to drive yourself wherever you want to go. Or, you may want to travel with others. In either case, your handicap placard California permit will give you a chance to ride with whomever you choose. These types of handicapped parking stickers are also ideal for anyone who has problems with walking long or short distances.

Typically, one of the main objectives is to make it easy to transport mobile parking permits from one vehicle to another. You can also go to more places freely without the fear of experiencing excruciating pain. For instance, these special accommodations are a necessity for anyone who is experiencing stage 4 osteoarthritis.  It is also common for people to wonder how do I renew my handicap placard in California.


Talk to a HandicapMD doctor about your health and how to get a handicap placard


As you can see, each stage of mobility is different. Therefore, you should always consult with your physician about getting a handicap parking permit. Based on the severity of your condition, he or she will be the authorized medical provider that signs off on your temporary or a permanent placard. For instance, if your condition is chronic, your osteoarthritis and DMV handicap permits may be permanent and not temporary.  Our HandicapMD experts will fill in and sign the Medical Provider’s Form of your application REG 195.

There is a wealth of information online about DMV handicap permits and various types of inflammatory diseases. In fact, for those of you who live in the state of California, this information can be invaluable to you. From providing you with information on how to get a handicap sticker for travel purposes to learning how to apply for a California handicap placard form online, you can find detailed instructions on what is actually required.

When searching the California handicap parking permit site, it will also provide you a brief explanation of your eligibility requirements. This information is vital for a number of reasons, especially since you need supporting documentation from your health professional before your application is approved. You can also find out where the Handicap parking permits applications are on line and how to print them out.









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