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Posted 10/30/2021 in Disabled Persons by HandicapMD

Christmas Gift Ideas for Kids in a Wheelchair

Christmas Gift Ideas for Kids in a Wheelchair

Explore Some Christmas Gift Ideas for Kids in a Wheelchair

Picture the excitement on a child when you buy them a gift during Christmas. It is simply priceless to see them smile as they know what you have purchased for them.


For the children in a wheelchair, what are the best gift ideas?


Choosing a gift for a child in a wheelchair is not as hard as it sounds. However, you have to consider that some gifts are not ideal for their ages and level of dexterity.

Keep this in mind as you think of the best gift ideas for them. There are plenty of ideas, but we have narrowed them down to our favorite ideas for Christmas gifts.

 Medical content reviewed by  Dr Eric Jackson-Scott MD, Chief Medical Officer Christmas Gift Ideas for Kids in a Wheelchair

1. Board Games


Pictionary Air is one of the best improvements and advancements that has been made in terms of board games.


Getting to work together in teams and draw pictures in the air is exciting for kids, and it can make use of smartphones for a more enjoyable and realistic experience. There is also the Uno and Lego build instructions available in braille form for the sight-impaired.


2. A Doll Like Me


This is an exciting game that has found its way into the Amazon Smile program. This means that as you purchase through this program, a portion of your purchase will be used to ship one of these unique dolls to a kid around the world.


3. Doc McStuffins Baby All-in-One Nursery


Children that are dreaming of becoming doctors in the future will enjoy this game. They get a chance to play doctor with a laptop that can be used to diagnose babies.


Different tools can be used to provide healthcare, and the gift is an excellent way to ignite the doctor in that child who would like to become someone important when they grow up. The kit can be easily accessed from a wheelchair and has easier access and usability features.


4. Adaptive Clothes – Rothy’s Shoes


Designed by animator Pete Oswald, Rothy’s shoes are easy to slip on and are available in different colors and shapes.


You can opt for cats, orangutans, elephants, and flamingos. They are also machine washable and are easy for kids to handle.


5. Personalized Books


There is nothing as exciting and fulfilling as seeing something that has your name on it.


Personalized books put your kid's likeness into various worlds where they get to play multiple roles.


Additionally, you are free to look at all the pages to ensure the book is exactly how you would like them to appear.


6. Amazon Echo Kids


Amazon Echo and Amazon Echo Dot have been redesigned to accommodate the needs and preferences of kids.


It is designed with kids' needs in mind, such as their favorite type of music. It is also a safer option to use as it automatically blocks all explicit songs from music apps to ensure safer use for your child.


Kids can also tell stories to them, call friends on the approved list, and ask many questions that get answered in real-time.


7. Popular Playthings Playstix


With the use of color-coded grooves instead of snapping, these playthings are easy to make and destroy.


Rebuilding them takes just a moment, and they are ideal for improving the imagination. These are important for the mental growth and development of the child and encourage their dexterity.


For a child in a wheelchair, constructing and deconstructing various things and shapes that come to mind can be fulfilling. It also makes them more creative, and this contributes to mind growth and development.


8. Cloud B Sleep Sheep


The toy comes in the form of an attractive and simply lovable sheep. It is also a sound machine that can help a child sleep better even when you are away. It features eight different soothing songs and sounds, which will enable a child to fall asleep much more effortlessly.


Additionally, it is easy to attach to their wheelchair with the use of a Velcro tab and a sleep timer to turn it off when the child falls asleep. The design of this toy is fantastic and has received several awards.


The Sleep Sheep has a white noise feature that makes it easier for a child to fall asleep. Typically, a child can fall asleep within five minutes using the Cloud B Sleep Sheep.


9. Monthly Subscription Boxes


These are the best gift you can give to a child in a wheelchair. It will be a sure way to touch their heart and leave an impression that will last all year long. If you love the child, get them a gift to remember you for the rest of the year.


Subscription boxes ensure that the child has something new to work on every month. It is essential for their growth and will also help their development.


Additionally, it helps with their mental well-being, and they are never dull since there is always a new month to be opened ahead.


Different monthly subscription boxes depend on the activity that matches the child's habits and tendencies. For instance, a child might be interested in a cooking kit for little foodies, while another will want a travel box with maps.


10. A Trip to Disney


For a child in a wheelchair, a trip to Disney will be something that they will appreciate for the rest of their lives. Disney World has been designed to provide easy access for wheelchairs, and some facilities ensure that the kid enjoys their time at the theme park.

 Related: Wheelchair Marathons

There are safe rides for these kids, whereas those with more engaging experiences will be marked with a stimulus warning. Additionally, there are rental options for moving around the park and transportation to a hotel after an exciting day at Disney.

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