The refresh of this strategy maintains our commitments to work together, with partners across Suffolk, to work in new and different ways to ensure that people with learning disabilities live good lives as part of their community with the right the right time,from the right people
Strategy Focus Groups
Aims of this disability event
1. Develop strategy focus groups under the 4 above headings.
2. Co-produce terms of reference that set out how each group will operate.
3. Co-produce how the groups communicate with one another and with organisations, groups and individuals (better use of technology).
4. Produce quarterly reports to the Suffolk Learning Disability Partnership Board.
5. Showcase and celebrate best practice from each focus group.
6. Identify areas for co-production projects.
7. Identify resources already available or explore funding opportunities for pieces of work if needed.
8. Develop and share a plan for 2021-2022 with the Suffolk Learning Disability Partnership Board.
You can also get your disabled parking permit online today!
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