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Posted 06/26/2022 in Online Events by HandicapMD

PEPSA: Evidence-Based Practices wt High School Students with ASD

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PEPSA: Evidence-Based Practices wt High School Students with ASD
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About this event

Selecting and Using Evidence-Based Practices with High School Students with Autism

Presented by:Dr. Kara Hume

Hosted by: FAU CARD

Participants: Educators

Despite federal mandates for the use of evidence-based practices (EBPs), there are few resources to support professionals in determining how to select EBPs that align with goals, and student, practitioner and school factors that may impact implementation of and response to selected EBPs. The Center on Secondary Education for Students with Autism (CSESA) developed a step-by-step process to support practitioners in selecting and using EBPs for common target skills for students with autism in secondary settings. The training will provide guidance for this process, including how to select EBPs that align with student goals, implement specific EBPs, and monitor student progress and fidelity of implementation, including sharing free, web-based resources to support all steps in the process. The presentation will include information about specific EBPs (e.g., self-management, peer-mediated interventions, social narratives) and provide examples of intervention materials and implementation.

This disability events will help participate to learn:

Describe steps for planning, using, and monitoring EBPs

• Explain how to use assessment and planning tools to select EBPs that align with student, practitioner, and school/setting characteristics

• Identify EBPs and activities that can be used to address student goals and educational standards

• Locate online resources for planning, using, and monitoring EBPs

About the Presenter

Laura K. Sibbald, MA, CCC-SLP, ASDCS, CYMHS is coauthor of the Trauma-Informed Social-Emotional Toolbox for Children & Adolescents (PESI, 2020) and the Parenting Toolbox (PESI, 2018). She was an invited speaker and moderator at PESI’s 2021 Autism Symposium, where she also had the privilege of interviewing Dr. Temple Grandin in the key note Different… Not Less. She is an active member of MSHA and ASHA committees, and is currently the chair of the Alumni Advisory Council for the Speech-Language Hearing Science Department at George Washington University. Laura graduated from GWU in 2011 with a Master's in speech-language pathology.


The FAU Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD) provides expert consulting, training and support, at no charge, for people with autism and related disabilities, their families and the professionals serving them. FAU CARD’s goal is to optimize the potential of the individuals we serve by helping them become valued members of their communities, enabling them to learn, work, communicate and socialize. If an accommodation(s) for a disability is required, please call 561-297-2055 or e-mail us at CARD@fau.edu, a minimum of 5 working days in advance of the date of the event. As a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization, we have had to rely on the community for support. Help us provide free support and assistance to people with autism and related disabilities. To donate to FAU CARD visit: http://coe.fau.edu/centersandprograms/card/donate.php 

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