A presentation about people with disabilities, taught by people with disabilities.
In celebration of 32 years of the ADA, accessABILITY is hosting a Disability Education Workshop to introduce our neighbors to introductory concepts within the disability community with the goal of exploring bias and creating allies. This virtual, two-hour session explores how history and mistreatment of the disability community has shaped our social understanding of individuals with disabilities and provides alternative solutions to shift perspectives and create stronger allies.
Together, we will build allyship through exploring language, interactions, societal frameworks of understanding disability, confronting our bias, and learning more about ourselves through disability-based framework.
I. 1:00 – 1:15 Overview
Introduction to accessABILITY, presenters, and disclaimers
II. 1:15 – 2:00 Combating Ableism
Disability history & statistics, models of disability, spoon theory, different disabilities, barriers to access
III. 2:05 – 2:50 Fostering Allyship
Language, interactions, enabling vs. empowering, accessibility Interactive activity: Practice scenarios
IV. 2:50 – 3:00 Closing
Reflection on training and resources for further learning
If you have any accessibility needs for this disability event , please email posika@abilityindiana.org
accessABILITY, Center for Independent Living, is a non-profit working to remove barriers for people with disabilities. We provide individual consumers, governmental agencies, corporations and other non-profits with the tools necessary to ensure the acceptance, respect and inclusion of everyone. The result is that our communities are enriched through the full participation of ALL PEOPLE.
You can also get your disabled parking permit online today!
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