The Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination in housing on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, familial status (having minor kids in the home), sex, and disability. North Dakota has added protections for age (over 40), marital status, and receipt of public assistance.
Some possible signs of discrimination include:
- Requiring additional rent deposits, fees, or insurance from a tenant with a disability who needs an assistance animal.
- Pretending a home has already been sold or rented rather than negotiate with home-seekers because of their race, religion, nationality, disability, or other protected classes.
- Treating a tenant differently than other tenants on the basis of their disability or status in a protected class.
- Requiring persons from certain races, religions, or nationalities to pay for background checks or higher security deposits, but failing to do so for other persons not within a protected class.
For disability related accommodations or if you need an interpreter, please contact us:
Relay ND: 800-366-6888; 711:TTY
Bismarck Office: 701-204-6676
Toll-Free: 1-866-380-2738
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