(dis)ABILITY Job Search Group: Disability Friendly Digital Job Search
Are you a job seeker with a disability? Meet other job seekers like yourself and discuss strategies, and learn about the topic of the day.
By RochesterWorks! Workshops
About this disability events
This handicap events group will work best when everyone participates! Be ready to communicate, ask questions, and learn from others. Please feel free to attend with a job coach, support person, etc.!
Examples of a disability include, but are not limited to, vision impairment, deaf/hard of hearing, anxiety, depression, autism, ADHD, learning disabilities, etc.
To request accommodations, please contact Lindsay Murphy at lmurphy@rochesterworks.org or
585-258-3500 x3513
RochesterWorks is an Equal Opportunity Program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
You can also get your handicap parking placard online today!
Get your handicap parking permits now!