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Posted 02/13/2024 in Colorado by HandicapMD Online

Who Can Prescribe Disabled Parking Permits in Colorado?

Who Can Prescribe Disabled Parking Permits in Colorado?

Authorized Professionals for Prescribing Disabled Parking Permits in Colorado

In Colorado, the task of prescribing accessible parking tags falls under the purview of licensed healthcare professionals. This ensures that applicants receive a fair assessment based on medical expertise and that tags are granted to those who truly need them for mobility reasons.

Who Can Prescribe Disabled Parking Permits in Colorado?

Licensed Physicians

Licensed physicians play a primary role in assessing an individual's need for a accessible parking tag. They evaluate the applicant's medical condition and determine if it meets the state's criteria for mobility impairment that justifies the need for special parking accommodations.

Advanced Practice Nurses

Advanced practice nurses, who have a higher level of training and authority than registered nurses, are also authorized to evaluate and certify an individual's eligibility for a accessible parking tag. Their expertise in patient care and assessment allows them to make informed decisions regarding mobility needs.

Physician Assistants

Physician assistants, working under the supervision of physicians, possess the knowledge and capability to assess medical conditions related to mobility impairments. They can certify an applicant's need for a accessible parking tag based on their professional evaluation.


For conditions specifically related to foot and ankle mobility issues, podiatrists are qualified to prescribe accessible parking tags. Their specialized knowledge in podiatric medicine makes them a crucial part of the team of professionals authorized to certify individuals for these tags.


In some cases, chiropractors may also be authorized to certify individuals for accessible parking tags, particularly in situations where mobility impairments are related to the musculoskeletal system. However, it's important to check the specific regulations in Colorado as the authorization for chiropractors can vary by state.


The authorization to prescribe accessible parking tags in Colorado is reserved for a select group of healthcare professionals. This ensures that applicants receive a comprehensive evaluation of their mobility needs based on medical expertise. Whether it's a licensed physician, advanced practice nurse, physician assistant, podiatrist, or chiropractor, the goal is to ensure that those who genuinely need these tags receive them in a fair and just manner.

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