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Posted 08/07/2021 by HandicapMD

California Handicap Parking Permit for Workers Comp Injury

California Handicap Parking Permit for Workers Comp Injury

When you are disabled from a Workers Compensation Injury, You may Qualify for a Disabled Person Parking Permit in California

Through no fault of your own and at work, there is a possibility that you can get a handicap placard and make use of the handicap parking that so many establishments have. The key is to understand the nature of your injury and how California state views those injuries.

It will take some research and your doctor may be able to help you navigate the handicapped rules and regulations set down by the Californian government. To learn more about this issue just continue to read our article as it has the information you need to know about.

Medical content reviewed by Dr Eric Jackson-Scott MD, Chief Medical Officer

California Handicap Parking Permit for Workers Comp Injury

What is workers comp

This is a form of insurance for the worker and paid for by their employer. Once your employer pays into the fund you have some coverage for lost wages due to an on-the-job injury. This is not a blanket coverage as there will be some exceptions to what is or is not covered by the workman’s compensation organization.

There are several benefits where you can get payment for certain degrees of injuries. These benefits include medical treatment and this includes doctor’s visits, tests, medication, and travel costs.


Then there are temporary and permanent disability coverage with the former covering lost wages while you recover from the injury. The latter coverage provides continuous payments if you don’t recover completely and remain disabled. Other coverages are available and your doctor’s analysis of your injury will be the influential factor in which coverage you will receive.

What is a workers comp injury



There are two types of injuries that are covered under the workman’s compensation act. The first one is called one event at work injury and these injuries occur at one time. This could be an injured back when you fall at work, get injured making deliveries for the company, and being burned by chemicals.

The second type of injury covered by this insurance program is the repeated exposure at work injury. This is where you are hurt in your hands, knees, or back, etc., through repeated motions pertaining to your job description. It also includes hearing loss from the continuous loud noise produced by your company’s operation


You can get more information through the DWC Worker’s Compensation in California Guidebook.  


Can I get a California handicap placard for a workers comp injury

The answer to this question would be yes. The state does not exclude workers' comp injuries from qualification. To get a disabled placard, you just have to meet the qualifying requirements and those requirements do not single out worker’s comp injuries from inclusion.

The broad nature of these definitions allows for you to get a California handicap placard online even if you were disabled temporarily or permanently from an on-the-job injury. The source of the injury is not at issue here

The ease of receiving one of these handicap placards makes it more difficult for those who have been disabled through legitimate accidents. It also makes it very simple for those who want to take advantage of the system to scam their way through the application process and get their disability placard.

This dishonest use of the system makes it harder for legitimately disabled people to find empty handicapped parking spaces. The key here is, to be honest. If you do not need the California handicap parking permit, then do not apply for one. You are not saving that much money and you are robbing someone else who needs the parking space from getting access to one. In fact you can get a handicapped parking space in front of your house.



What qualifies for a California handicap placard for a workers comp injury

As mentioned earlier, the qualifications for approval are quite broad. They do not exclude any accident that causes disability whether that accident happened at work or at home or during your recreational time. Here are the qualifications and you can see how broad they are:


  • You have lost the use of one or both of your lower extremities or both hands
  • You have been diagnosed with a disease that substantially impairs or interferes with your mobility
  • You are unable to move without the aid of a device that assists your mobility
  • You have specific and documented vision issues which include lower vision and partial sightedness.

When you have a worker's comp accident, you are not excluded from receiving a disability placard. All injuries no matter their source are analyzed and a determination is done to see if they meet the 4 criteria above. Click here to explore how disabled persons can stay on the right side of the law easy.

#1. loss of mobility-- this is going to be the key factor. if your worker's comp injury has affected your disability in any way, you may apply for a  California handicap parking permit.

#2. neck injury- if you have suffered a severe neck injury on the job that will lay you up for several months, and it does affect your mobility, then you can apply and receive a handicap parking permit.

#3. back injury- this type of on the job injury, whether a one-time event or a result of repetitive motion is also not excluded. As long as you are suffering from a genuine loss of mobility, your workers' comp back injury will qualify you.

#4. ankle injury- this issue may be a bit more complicated as not all ankle injuries provide a loss of mobility. Sprains are usually healed in a few days and those will not meet the criteria as you are not really suffering from a loss of mobility. severe ankle injuries may qualify you and that will be up to your doctor to decide

#5. knee injury- there are many types of on the job knee injuries you can get. If your doctor thinks that you will be on crutches for an extended period of time, then you can apply for a disability parking permit.

The type of placard you can get will be up to your doctor. A permanent loss of mobility through one of those injuries has to be deemed irreversible before you can apply for a permanent handicap parking permit. If your doctor says your injury is temporary and you will recover, then you are only allowed to apply for a 6-month temporary permit or until the date the doctor says you will be better, whichever is shorter.

Speak with a HandicapMD Physician to Obtain Your Disabled Person Parking Permit Online Today


This is not as complex as it sounds.  Just Talk to a HandicapMD doctor to get your permit online!

This is not the end of this issue. This is only the beginning of being able to use your on-the-job injury as a way to get your California handicap placard. 




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