Check out The Most Important Disabled Parking Laws in California
The Most Important Disabled Parking Laws in California: When it comes to obtaining a disabled parking permit, the process can be long and hard. If you are not sure what you need to do in order to get your DP pass, just continue to read our article. It has the information you need to know about.
You must meet the appropriate requirements to qualify for a placard.
While it seems like these disabled parking permits are handed out like cad at Halloween, that is not the actual case. You need to have one of the many approved medical conditions in order to qualify.
These conditions include limited mobility, cardiac issues, loss of use of arms, legs, or have a prosthesis. Also, there are vision issues that would qualify you for a handicapped parking permit.
Medical content reviewed by Dr Eric Jackson-Scott MD, Chief Medical Officer
Get your application signed by a medical professional
Once you find out you are qualified for a handicap parking permit, you need to fill out the Application for Disabled Person Placard or Plates (REG 195). In that application is a section where your doctor or other approved medical professional needs to fill out and sign.
But it cannot just be any doctor who signs this form. It must be one that has full knowledge of your handicap. The same goes for the licensed optometrist, who can vouch for your vision loss. There is an organization called handicapplacard.org that can help you out if you do not have a qualified doctor to fill out the form.
If you have missing hands or legs, you can just go to your local DNV office and fill out the application.
Complete the entire application process
One of the important things you need to do is finish filling out the form. Incomplete forms may be given back to you and make sure to double-check to see that you have an approved medical professional’s signature in the correct spot.
Do not leave any blank spots and make sure that when you hand in the application form you also pay all appropriate fees. The fees should be told to you in the instruction booklet or at the time you pick up your application form.
If you are going for a disabled license plate, make sure to include your registration documents to show that you are the rightful owner of the vehicle. Again, pay the fees associated with this step and give your current license plates to the DMV.
Understand the different types of parking permits
When applying for your disabled parking permit, you will see that there are several different types available. You will need to choose the one type that fits your situation. Here are those options you have to choose from:
- permanent permits- for permanent disabilities and are valid for 24 months. They also expire on the 30th of June in every odd year. e.g. 2021, 2023, 2025, and so on
- temporary permits- for temporary disabilities valid for 6 months. These can be shorter or longer if your doctor places a date on the application. These can only be renewed up to 6 more times.
- travel permits- these are for California residents who have a permanent license plate or permit and valid for 30 days
- non-resident travel permits- valid for 90 days and are for those out of state tourists who already have their own state’s permanent sticker
Follow the parking regulations to the letter
This is important as you may not like non-disabled people parking in your reserved spots. You need to return the favor and park only where you are permitted to park. Upon approval, you get to park in the following parking areas:
- those parking slots with the wheelchair symbol
- next to blue colored curbs
- next to green curbs and you have no time limit if you qualify
- metered parking spots along the street
- those streets that restrict parking to residents or merchants
Where you can’t park:
- those parking slots are reserved for wheelchairs only. They have cross-hatched markings on them
- next to red curbs
- next to yellow curbs
- next to white curbs
Curb color |
Definition |
Blue |
handicapped or DP only |
Green |
time-limited parking but no time limit for those with DP permits |
Cross-hatched design |
reserved for wheelchair-bound people only |
Red |
no parking or stopping at any time |
Yellow |
loading and unloading for commercial vehicles only |
White |
loading and unloading of passengers or mail purposes |
There is an added bonus to owning a DP permit. You get self-service rates at full-service gas stations if there is more than one attendant on duty
Adhere to all handicap permit regulations
There are restrictions that apply when you have a DP permit. You are the only person who is to use the placard and you could get fined or have the application canceled if:
- a friend or family member borrows the permit
- you do not have a medical professional’s signature on your application
- use someone else’s permit
- use a counterfeit or fake permit or license plate
- provide false information on your application
- make alterations to your DP permit
Follow protocol for lost or stolen placards
This is important as you need to provide the correct information that describes what took place. this information is usually placed on the Application for Replacement Plate, Stickers, Documents (REG 156).
Like all government forms and permissions, you will have to pay another fee if you are applying for a temporary permit replacement. The permanent permit can be replaced without a fee.
However, even when you pay the fee it will take roughly a month to receive your new permit.
Some final words
Once you get approved, the biggest hassle will be your competition for those limited parking spots. There are many people in the same situation as you and you will find that those spaces fill up quickly. Make sure to be prepared to park in alternate parking spots. This is The Most Important Disabled Parking Laws in California.