Learn How to Get a Renewal Disabled Parking Permit That Has Expired
Owners of disabled parking permits can agree with the hurdles it may cost to finally be granted with one. However, the outcome is definitely rewarding. For those with physical limitations, disabled parking permits can provide them with the convenience of parking closer to their destinations. Fortunately, the benefits of a disabled parking permit can be appreciated by both the driver or if the owner is being driven.
Like most concessions awarded to assist those with medical conditions or disabilities, disabled parking permits, unfortunately, come with an expiration date. If you have only recently discovered that yours have expired, this would signify that you have lost your privilege to use the designated parking spaces. The bad news is, parking in those designated parking spaces with the appropriate placards can get you fined.
Medical content reviewed by Dr Eric Jackson-Scott MD, Chief Medical Officer
Disabled Parking Permit Has Expired? Here's What to Do!

So what should you do next, you may ask.
Like most situations where you need to be level-headed, first and foremost you shouldn't panic. Most States provide drivers with a grace period to renew your permit. If your disabled parking permit has just expired, you may not be fined for accidentally violating the law. However, it is advisable to take immediate action and apply for a permit renewal as soon as you care.
Generally, there are different types of permits that you can address including the long term (valid for 5 years), permanent (valid for 3-5 years), temporary (3-12 months) and even disabled veterans permit or an organizational permit. In any case, most types of a disabled parking permits should be available for renewal except for a temporary one. Unlike other permits, temporary ones are granted to accommodate short-term injuries, medical conditions or pregnancies and you may require another recommendation from a medical professional for renewal.
Renewing a disabled parking permit is fairly simple.
First off, you should obtain a renewal application form from the nearest available DMV in your area. In some States, you may be allowed to use your original application. Besides, you will be required to attach the most updated information such as your license details and data on your vehicle with a fee. For most renewal cases as stated before, consultation from a medical professional is not required.
How To Avoid Forgetting The Expiration Date Of Your Disabled Parking Permit
As mentioned earlier, the first thing to do after discovering that your disabled parking permit has expired is "DO NOT PANIC". There is a grace period to accommodate human blunders such as forgetfulness or unexpected life events. However, if you are a repeat offender of expiration dates, you may be fined and can be subjected to repeat the whole application process. We can all agree that the repercussion of forgetting to renew your permit can be a headache, so read on for some easy tips to avoid this mistake.
Number one, mark the expiration date on your calendar. This may be obvious but it can be the most effective visual cue that can save you time and money. You don't necessarily need a physical calendar for this purpose as everyone has an electronic calendar on their gadgets to do the trick. Set an alarm or reminder a few months to weeks prior to your permit's exploration date on your physical or electronic calendar. If required, you should also make an appointment to see your physician if you require their consultation for permit renewal. Again, you can set up the date of the appointment on your calendar.
Number two, hang a tag or any form of physical reminder with the expiration date in your car. Preferably, it should be placed close to your disabled parking placard so you get a constant reminder of the date if you need to revise it. In a nutshell, however, every mind works differently so you should find the best possible way to remind yourself of the expiration date that suits you most. Whether it's to pass on the message to your wife, leaving a note on the fridge or using the suggestions we mentioned earlier, you should think of an effective way to renew your permit before it is due.